The Painted Cookie

The Painted Cookie


Wilton Connecticut is home to this nice little shop. Susan the owner of The Painted Cookie reached out to us and I am so glad we stopped by her little place full of sweets. The painted Cookie is a nut free cookie shop. (Well, it had 2 nuts when we visited, but, that's besides the point) When you pull into the parking lot of the Painted Cookie, you are welcomed by a giant Gingerbread Man cookie cutter on the building. It is a sign that tells you, "there are cookies here and everything will be alright."

The shop does mostly custom cookie orders for weddings, birthdays, and loads of other times people want awesome tasting beautiful cookies. I feel like this would be a great place to purchase birthday cookies for a young child's class who has a nut allergy. Schools now a days are very focused on keeping allergic kids safe and the classroom environments protected. The painted cookie is an awesome solution for those families looking for a nut free celebratory baked good. 

When I was a child I was allergic to red dye number 40. This little chemical is in so many candies and sweets. I couldn’t have fruit punch of any kind, no m and ms, no twizzlers, nothing red for me. Fortunately for me I grew out of this allergy, for many many others this isn’t the case. People who suffer from severe allergies live very difficult food lives. They don’t have the freedom to pick up processed food. They have to be very careful and thoughtful about all the food they eat, because some of it can literally kill them. Susan from The Painted Cookie understands this and has worked diligently to create a business that focuses on having nut free ingredients so that people who suffer from nut allergies can purchase without fear. I think there is something really special about someone who is so detailed oriented and caring enough to provide a service like this.


That attitude really reflects in the cookies that she creates. Her small shop has a beautiful bookcase full of colorful cookies of different size and shape, decorated in a variety of ways. She does custom wedding and baby shower cookies, but also seasonal stuff, and some standard everyday stuff too. I was very impressed with the quality of her confections. People say you eat with your eyes first and with sweets from the painted cookie they are delicious to the eyes, and to your stomach.

Simply put, you should visit this cookie shop because it is awesome. At the very least, check out her website or Instagram to see how beautiful and creative her cookies are. Her shop isnconviently located very near both Nod Hill brewery and Redding Beer Company making this a perfect spot for your next beer and cookies adventure. 

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