Fox Farm Gather and Oatmeal Cream pies

Fox Farm Gather and Oatmeal Cream pies

   The Beer: Pilsners rock. This one from Fox Farm is particularly awesome. Malty and complex. A little oaty, a little sharp, very refreshing. I love a beer with a big foamy head, and this one delivers that in spades. 


The Cookie: Oatmeal cream pies have a strong nostalgic connection for me. As a kid I loved them and a friend would always have them in his bagged lunch, I would try to trade for one and he would never budge.

The cookies are soft and chewy with a little spice to them. The cream filling is sweet almost like the Twinkie filling we are all familiar with.

The Pairing: I love this combo. The spice from the cookie that is usually very mild really pops with the bitter bite from the beer. An interesting experience. When the two mix there is a taste that is absent with each individual component. I think this cookie has some potential to be partnered up with other beers too. I will be on the lookout to experiment with this one again.

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