Green Bud Light and Old School Grocery Store Shamrock Cookies

Green Bud Light and Old School Grocery Store Shamrock Cookies

​Does getting into the craft beer scene make you a beer snob? Sometimes I feel like I am going down that road, but there is nothing worse to me than being told I can’t like something. Bud Light isn’t a beer for every occasion (heck, it isn’t a beer for most occasions), but there are times and places when I can drink a domestic light beer and really enjoy it. At a country music concert, after a hot summer day mowing the lawn, or standing on the New Haven green watching the Saint Patrick’s Day parade.

You can hate light domestic beer all you want, but don’t tell me I can’t like a cold one when the time is right.


The Beer: Bud Light, I mean there’s a drop of food coloring in it, but it’s Bud Light.

This is not my first time making a beer green. This time I used liquid food coloring instead of the paste stuff. I put a single drop in the can and used a chop stick to stir it a bit before I poured it into a large yard glass. I would definitely suggest the liquid coloring if you want to do this. The color was a little light and it could have taken a second drop to darken it up if you want.

The Cookie: Nothing fancy or gourmet here. A good old fashioned sugar cookie from the grocery store in the shape of a shamrock with green sprinkles. It’s the same crystal sugar coated cookie that is in the shape of jack-o-lanterns around Halloween and the shape of Christmas trees around the holidays. They are great for dunking and bringing to a party as a last minute pickup.

The Pairing: The simplicity here is key. The cookie and beer are both light and simple. The beer’s crisp, mild hop aroma makes it really nice to wash down the crumbs of this sugar cookie that’s sweet and, well, sweet. This isn’t a pairing that will light up your palate in unexpected ways but it sure is fun to pour, drink, and eat. I think the lesson here is: don’t be too pretentious to enjoy the simple things.

Grab a six pack and some of these little cookies the next time you go to the grocery store, you won’t regret it.

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