Beer Shake v3.0

Beer Shake v3.0

Humans like to add significance to very ordinary things, particularly numbers. 500 may not be a special number by itself, but 500 followers is as good a reason as any to celebrate. Recognizing this milestone can only be done one way - you guessed it, beershakes! Check out our other Beershake posts for more sweet inspiration. (version 1.0 and version 2.0)

So far we have played it pretty safe, but now it is time to start pushing the limits and see if this crazy kitchen concoction is as versatile as beer and cookies. Worst case scenario is you are consuming beer and ice cream at the same time, so it can’t be too bad!

We are always refining the ratio and recipe, for these we tilted the balance toward more beer resulting in a beverage closer to chocolate milk than a true milkshake. It was unanimous that we liked this change, but there are benefits of both.


Privateers Shake  

We went for a double header this time around brought to you by the Beeracks. The first shake is from Armada brewing, their Privateers #1 which is a yummy lactose coffee stout blended with one of my favorite ice creams ever, the Toasted Almond from Sweet Claude's Ice cream shop in Cheshire.


 A Berry Interesting Shake 

For the second round we got a little adventurous with a slightly tart beer. We took Hoax brewing’s blackberry Sleight of Hand - a berliner weisse brewed with blackberrries and blended it with… you guessed it, black raspberry ice cream also from Sweet Claude’s. These shakes were so good!

Bob preferred the coffee stout/toasted almond saying it was like the best version of a frilly coffee drink. John is a fan of black raspberry ice cream and the addition of the blackberry sour added a perfect tang to the creamy fruit.


IPA Time  

For the final round, a spur of the moment trip to Treehouse gave us the inspiration to do our first IPA shake. The popular Haze double IPA, with a hop character of soft peach, combined with some vanilla ice cream from the Old Wethersfield Country Store. If you’ve ever had the pleasure of a peach milkshake from Chick-fil-A, this isn’t exactly that, but it’s close enough and there is beer involved. Creamy vanilla with a hit of hop, this is the drink that milkshake IPAs wish they could be.

Fox Farm Marzen with a Julia’s Bakery Iced Shortbread Cookie

Fox Farm Marzen with a Julia’s Bakery Iced Shortbread Cookie

30 Mile Totes Blonde And Drunken Baker Fireball Cookies

30 Mile Totes Blonde And Drunken Baker Fireball Cookies