Front Porch’s Playing with Fire Stout and Caramel Pecan Brownies

Front Porch’s Playing with Fire Stout and Caramel Pecan Brownies

The Beer: What a stout. Front Porch brewed this big and boozy Imperial Stout, this guy is coming in at 12% abv. Brewed with chocolate and maple syrup it has a robust and complex flavor profile too. The chocolate is super present and carries in the aroma and initial taste. I have had other beers that are marketed with maple syrup and usually the flavor is brewed right out. Similar to honey, I feel like the sugars are so fermentable that not much flavor makes its way into the glass. In Playing with Fire, with just a little warming up this beer has a very nice subtle maple flavor that knocks around with the chocolate in an awesome way. I felt a little like Remy from Pixar’s Ratatouille.

Waxed bottles really class up a beer.

Waxed bottles really class up a beer.

The Cookie: These brownies made by John didn’t last long on game night. They were a brownie covered in a thick chewy and crunchy pecan caramel. The brownie portion was super soft and filled with rich, dark chocolate and it played well against the sweet and nutty caramel. A bit decadent but the plate emptied out real quick.


The pairing: This was a most fortuitous pairing. We had planned to have a different beer with these brownies but this stout was perfect for it. The chocolate flavors were fun together and the crunchy nutty caramel added something extra. Home made caramel is something really special.

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