Kent Fall’s Glitter Rainbow and Frosted Animal Cookies

Kent Fall’s Glitter Rainbow and Frosted Animal Cookies

The Beer: Kent Falls is known for making delicious hoppy IPAs and this one is like the mailman in rain, sleet, or snow… it delivers. A wonderful fruity beer. Lots of soft citrus, grapefruit, and pineapple with a tiny amount of dank hop note. A super easy drinking IPA.

The Cookie:  A throwback cookie for many. The frosted animal cookie is the kind of thing my mom would always say no to. When you’re an adult, you get to do what you want, so hell yes to that. The frosted animal cookie is a crunchy, more sweet version of the animal cracker covered in a white chocolate type coating. These are the kind of treat that you don’t realize you are overeating until the bag is empty.

The pairing: Together this is an interesting pairing. We have liked sweeter cookies with IPAs and this one continues to prove the concept. The beer is way above average and the cookie stands up to it. What I like about this was the cookie crunch is maintained by the coating of white chocolate. The soft chocolate on the outside kind of protects the crunchy cookie, so every bite has sweet but also a fair crunch. Even after a dunk.

Armada’s Dick and Shorty Pineapple IPA and Walkers Butter Shortbread

Armada’s Dick and Shorty Pineapple IPA and Walkers Butter Shortbread

New England Cider Company’s Blackcurrant Hard Cider and Lorna Doones

New England Cider Company’s Blackcurrant Hard Cider and Lorna Doones