

Right in the middle of all the fun downtown Milford adventurous terrain is Scratch Baking. I stopped in after a quick trip to Tribus and boy am I glad I did. This little shop has some awesome looking baked goods and some nice lunch items on their menu too. I was with both of my small children so we were in and out pretty quick.

I love the sign out front. It’s a minimalist representation of baking and I think that is as good a symbol of a good bakery as any. They delivered on some simple baked goods, done well. 


I left with a very positive impression of the place. The two young people behind the counter were friendly and helpful. The food looked great and fresh, and it smelled like a warm oven baking something good. 


I got two croissants for the road and a bag full of cookies. The croissants were way above par. My daughter said, “can we only buy croissants from here from now on?” She is a big fan of the standard soft croissant from Stop and Shop and these blew her away. She had crumbs all over herself by the end of our ride home. 


I also got some sugar cookies and a tall oatmeal cream pie cookie sandwich which was suggested as being one of their best offerings. 

I could see how early in the morning or a weekend lunch time this place gets hopping. Fresh baked goods and friendly service brings people in. I’m also psyched to get down on some Tribus beer with these cookies. The brewery is just a quick drive across town, Siri says just 9 minutes. 


Of course after our visit, Scratch whipped up some wicked looking cupcakes using some Tribus stout. Just another reason to get out there and check out some quality beers and baked goods. 

Picture from the Scratch Instagram page  

Picture from the Scratch Instagram page  

Four Flours

Four Flours