Weekend round up #4

Weekend round up #4

​Welcome to another weekend roundup. It feels like fall is upon us and as the seasons change so does the draft line up. We added a cookie that is so worth a road trip, as well as a beer festival that is all about the CT beer scene. So, check it out and let us know what you’re excited about this weekend.


Fox Farm: Little Brook and Burst

I have yet to visit Fox Farm, but I’ve heard such positive things that when I see a style like Hop-Forward American Blonde Ale I think, “this weekend might be the time to get there.” 


Counterweight: Fest Bier Lager

Fall time is here when we start seeing fest beers and Oktoberfest beers. Marzen time is a good time. This one isn’t a marzen but it sure sounds delicious. Described as having a lot of “lagery deliciousness.” I can get behind that. 


Sift Bake Shop: Salted Chocolate Chip Walnut Cookies 

Our first weekend roundup cookie. This is cookie so good that it defies expectations, and coming from the “greatest baker in America,” expectations are high. If you haven’t been to sift and you like cookies, get there. This cookie is buttery, and sweet, and salty, and chocolaty and, well, perfectly beerable.


Small State Great Beer Festival  

We are deep into beer festival season. SSGB is a Connecticut focused beer fest that celebrates the best that the Connecticut beer scene has to offer. Check out their website for tickets. It looks like they are going over the top with some cool stuff this year, it’s downtown Hartford and there will be a ton of food trucks and live music. You won’t regret a fun afternoon hitting up this fest. 

Connecticut Oktoberfest: Märzen and Festbier

Connecticut Oktoberfest: Märzen and Festbier

Weekend Round-up #3

Weekend Round-up #3