Weekend Roundup 9/21/18

Weekend Roundup 9/21/18

How can someone even keep up? It seems like every weekend there is a beer fest and five new beers that look awesome. This is our attempt to capture the stuff we are excited about this week on the Connecticut craft beer scene. Here is the latest list of beers that have us psyched for the weekend on the Connecticut Beer trail.

Also, if you’re into Oktoberfest check out our  CT Fall 2018 post. We list all the Oktoberfest beers that have us excited for fall beer drinking in Connecticut. As well as some basics around Oktoberfest history.

Below the Brewery name is a link to their website and the beer name is a link to info about the specific beer, usually the link is to the Instagram image I politely stole.


Hooker: Oktoberfest  

Marzen Style Lager is a staple of Oktoberfests all over the beer world. Thomas Hooker brewing is a standard on the CT beer scene and their offerings are always on point.


Hull’s and Armada: Lederhullsen Fest Bier 

Another fall time fest bier on the scene. Hull’s and Armada teamed up for this fun labeled fest bier. Nothing like a cool fall afternoon crushing some awesome lager.


Stony Creek: Crankenstein  

Crankenstein IPA is an experimental beer from Stony Creek. “Experimental Hop 09326 lends notes of Berry and soft Tropical Fruit while Experimental Hop 06297 layers in notes of Orange and Vanilla.” That sounds pretty awesome to me. New and experimental can sometimes go either way but without risk there is no reward. 


 Duvig: Dudley Farm Harvest Ale, a wet hop pale ale

Wet hops are fresh from the bine hop cones that go right into the boiling wort. This beer looks like a pale ale with some fresh harvested hops from Dudley Farm museum. Definitely worth a trip to Branford.


 Two Roads: Session NEIPA

New England IPA has been an incredibly popular new style of beer. This is 2 roads throwing their hat in the ring. 2 roads has come a long way and they seem to be getting better all the time. 

Pumpkin Beer Roundup

Pumpkin Beer Roundup

Connecticut Oktoberfest: Märzen and Festbier

Connecticut Oktoberfest: Märzen and Festbier