New Park Porridge Milk Stout and Trader Joe’s Chocolate Chip Dunkers

New Park Porridge Milk Stout and Trader Joe’s Chocolate Chip Dunkers

Sometimes you find something that is just so right, good, and simple that it doesn’t require much exposition. A recent trip to New Park delivered exactly that. I’ll say, New Park is loaded with quality beer. This is a place to look out for. If they brew a style of beer you like get some, it won’t disappoint. 

The Beer: New Park pours this into 32 oz growlers. A dark, sweet, oaty, beautiful stout. This is by far my favorite beer for cookies so far. It’s funny, whenever I hear the word porridge I think of Oliver Twist and say to myself,  “please sir, I want some more.” After I finished this growler I thought it again. 


The Cookie: Chocolate chip dippers are little guys that are a bit of a staple around my house. Trader Joe’s has a few varieties of cookies made in a finger shape specifically for dipping. They are crisp and buttery and very absorbent for soaking up all that yummy beer.


The Pairing: I must say this beer and cookie combo is, in my point of view, the quintessential pairing. Chocolate chip is the most universal cookie and makes for an awesome dunkable for your beverage of choice. The milk stout is a little sweet and creamy with a full volume of flavors that make for awesome dipping. This pairing has been bumped up to my favorite. As a team we have been looking for a Connecticut beer as good as the Left Hand Nitro Milk Stout from our first cookie and beer adventure, and this certainly meets that challenge.

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