Nod Hill  Super Mantis and Aunt Theresa’s Easter Anginettes

Nod Hill  Super Mantis and Aunt Theresa’s Easter Anginettes

Easter is a wonderful time for family, friends, and cookies. Of course it's not a bad time for beer either.

Check out that sweet custom cutting board from Anchors and Arrows

Check out that sweet custom cutting board from Anchors and Arrows

The Beer: Nod Hill's Super Mantis is a Double IPA that has a ton of bright mango and peach notes. A heaping of hops happening here, (alliteration for the win) but also very fruity. It’s hitting you pretty hard too with an almost 9% ABV, which can be helpful when entertaining certain family members. A very drinkable IPA with a very interesting hop profile. 


The Cookie:  My Aunt Theresa makes anginettes every Easter, Christmas time too, and they are one of the things I really look forward too. They are round and soft and crumbly. They are almost cake like if they didn’t have a nice crust to their exterior. My aunt uses a sweet confectioners frosting. They have a bit of a citrus kick, which is always refreshing. 


The Pairing: Anginettes are suited particularly well for beer. Their soft crumbly nature make for washing them down very satisfying. Peach with citrus wrapped in a fluffy, soft, sweet blanket. Not a bad way to spend a holiday. The holiday table is where I had my first beer and cookie combo and its where I got the first motivation to start this journey for the perfect pairing.

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