Stony Creek Golden Mocha Stout and Seven Layer Bar

Stony Creek Golden Mocha Stout and Seven Layer Bar


We have written on a couple occasions about the interaction between beers and the seasons. I think this pairing was so good for the day we had it, that one really warm day before what I call “third winter” or “January 72nd”. Everyone is ready for the warm weather, you get a taste of it but you know you are in for another hard couple of April weeks. Both components of this pairing play on winter favorites, but really start getting you in the mood for sun, and warm breezes.

The Beer: When the bartender at Stony Creek poured this beer, I actually said “woah, you poured the wrong thing” since what was going into the glass was light and foamy and...well golden. Maybe reading comprehension isn’t one of my best skills but I realized my error when, from a couple feet away I got a big whiff of coffee. Honestly, this beer is often what I want in a coffee stout - good coffee flavor, clean and not too heavy or sweet. It has very little bitterness and a mouth feel that is downright refreshing. It has one foot in winter with its coffee notes and one foot in spring, much like we have felt for a few months. Also a recent GABF bronze medal winner, you know you can’t go wrong here.

The Cookie:  The 7 layer bar is one of those treats that shows up at my house around the holidays. It ticks a lot of the boxes - chocolate, peanut butter, oatmeal. Definitely a hearty cookie. In these, the noticeable coconut was the thing that made me think of warmer times. It is sweet, chewy, packed with goodness and always welcome... unlike a 33 degree day at the end of April.

The Pairing:  This is one of those pairings that makes it so easy. You take two good things, and put them together and they just go so well. Each component has a lot of flavor going for it - the 7 layer bar in particular - but nothing fights. It all comes together. The caramel sweet bar fills in the void where heavier stouts usually have malt, and chocolate, coffee, coconut, and everything else just got together like puzzle pieces. This certainly helped me mentally prepare for a few more cold days before we coast into May.

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