Epicure Brewing

Epicure Brewing

Only a few feet down the sidewalk from These guys brewing is Epicure brewing. If it weren’t for the sandwich boards out front you might walk right past it. The speakeasy feel of the entrance is kind of cool though, there is a very narrow opening in the building with a small alcove that leads to a door. When you walk through the door you are greeted with a huge space. It felt a little like I might imagine walking through the doors of the Tardis might be like. It’s much bigger on the inside.


The large space is the tap room, bar, and brewery all in one giant space. A little industrial but not cold feeling.

I tried their Oktoberfest and a little bit of a big boozy stout. Both were good and I left with a bottle of the stout. Some of the proceeds go to help a veterans organization. Not only did I like the beer but I also liked that my dollar was going to help a veteran.


The guy behind the bar was new, but he was friendly and helpful. I chatted with him and another guy at the bar about beer a bit. We talked about the best breweries around and I was reminded of how small Connecticut is. I find myself meeting beer people and always being encouraged that there are still good people in the world. With all the negative events that get our attention now a days. I still believe that there is a case for optimism and it is in talking with strangers that I find that to be most present. People are good and when good people are mixed with good beer, fun is bound to be had.

I think Epicure has a lot of potential and that they will probably be around a while. I also got my second sticker. The brewers guild is going to handing over all the swag.


Fox Farm Brewing

Fox Farm Brewing

These Guys Brewing

These Guys Brewing