Erectors Home Slice and Strawberry frosted cookies

Erectors Home Slice and Strawberry frosted cookies

The Beer: Erector Brewing is a brewy putting out beers from the Beeracks. Their main focus is on making beer that is awesome to serve with Pizza. That Pizza is with a capital P because it is New Haven Pizza, the best Pizza. Disagree? Fight me. They serve cans of Home Slice over at Da legnas on state street which is an awesome spot serving wicked New Haven style pies  and great Connecticut craft beer.

Home slice is a dry hopped lager. Its light bodied with a ton of hop characteristic, with a mild crisp finish. A great pizza beer.

The Cookie:  These soft, almost angenette style cookies were brought to my house by someone for a picnic and I was happy to experiment with them. The doughy sweet body of the cookie is delicious and make for a great base for a simple and sweet strawberry frosting.

The Pairing:  Now I was skeptical about this. You know what they say though, nothing risked nothing gained. I feel like I gained some insight in washing down a strawberry flavored cookie with a crisp lager. The fruit flavoring of the strawberry was tasty and when presented on the same pallet as the slightly bitter beer, the frosting tasted even sweeter. It was at first unexpected but I really enjoyed the pairing. I don’t know if this is the very best pairing of the year, but it was certainly good enough to share. Here's to more experiments and the eternal search for the perfect beer and cookie pairing. We

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