No Worries Evil Penguin and Mini Tate’s Chocolate Chip

No Worries Evil Penguin and Mini Tate’s Chocolate Chip

The Beer: A coconut chocolate porter from No worries, Evil Penguin delivers on a mild bodied, tasty, and cookieable beer. The coconut is subtle but the chocolate is loud and proud. The subtler coconut note got bigger and more pronounced once the beer warmed up a bit.

I decided to pour it into a small glass to match the small cookie, but size of the glass does not reflect the quality of the beer. No Worries has continued to grow and put out some excellent brews and this one is particularly good.


The Cookie: Tate’s cookies are the ones in the green bags. I saw these mini cookies at the grocery store and couldn’t help myself. They are crisp and crunchy and thin, almost Chips Ahoy-ish but more buttery and less fake tasting. (I’m not trying to throw shade at the chips ahoy here I promise!) The mini version of these cookies are disappointing only in that you really want more. They are almost like that crazy cereal that is just cookies - they taste good but feel a little like a tease.

The Pairing: I have to admit I did feel a little silly dunking these guys into my beer, due to the size of the cookie, but you know I did it anyway. This porter washed down these crumbly little guys really well. I can only hope one day No Worries puts this on nitro. Oh boy would we be cooking with gas then.

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