Void Oatmeal Stout and Oatmeal Scotchies

Void Oatmeal Stout and Oatmeal Scotchies


The Beer: Counter Weight's The Void Oatmeal stout is a dark malty stout with a mild boozy note. It is toasty and interesting without being too big and heavy. The alcohol level leads to a bit of sharpness in the finish. I have tried the coffee version of this stout and I prefer that to this simpler beer, but when enjoying a beer with the company of cookies, sometimes it’s better to keep it classic.

The Cookie: Oatmeal scotchies are a simple oatmeal cookie mixed with butterscotch morsels. They can be soft and chewy, or they can be crunchy and crisp. Unfortunately for our first experience the cookies were a bit overbaked which led to a kind of roasted taste and a very crisp cookie. I think this made them not an awesome cookie for this beer. I made another round and cooked them properly and they were much better. Their softness on top with the crunch of the bottom led to a perfectly balanced cookie. The butterscotch morsels give this cookie a great little bump of sweetness and interest. 

Baking tip: Time is a huge factor here. Make sure you put cookies in a preheated oven and that you follow the time, any time after 10 minutes and you are getting a very crisp cookie. The window for a perfect cookie is short. 

Cookie dough tip: If you want an extra special fruit crumble, use this dough on top of some fruit pie base and you’re in for a treat. 

The pairing: I think that an oatmeal stout pairs well with an oatmeal cookie and this oatmeal cookie is right for this simple stout. The toasty toasty nature of the stout along with the booze factor makes the simple oatmeal cookie a wonderful dunking partner. 

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