BeerShake St. Patty’s Day Edition

BeerShake St. Patty’s Day Edition

St. Patrick’s Day has many traditions that really make the holiday special, a freak deal of which revolve around food and drink. Corned beef and cabbage, soda bread, green beer, Guiness, whiskey - the list goes on. Although I had not experienced this before, many true blooded Americans also look forward to the neon green Shamrock shake from McDonalds each year. I figured it was high time to try this treat, but not without missing an opportunity to get some beer into the mix. The shake is thick, sweet and a little bit minty - I was skeptical about it at first but ended up enjoying it unadulterated. However there is always room for improvement!


One great thing about the Connecticut craft beer scene is that many of my favorite styles of beer previously available only from national (or multinational) companies have been made, improved and reimagined locally. This year I saw tons of places taking their own run at the Irish Stout and I needed to get my hands on some. After surveying the contenders, I picked the Hanging Hills Guthrie stout brewed with cacao nibs.

It is definitely a light, dry stout but I was drawn to it for the potential of the chocolate notes in the mint of the Shamrock shake - visions of thin mints dancing in my head. Guthrie is a classic dry stout, 4.5% so pretty easy drinking, but the cacao nibs give it a character like a piece of good dark chocolate. Not sweet, a little bitter with  chocolate undertones that meld really well with the roasty malt. And I just love the Can art. 


This combo was not the most visually appealing thing, but it more than made up for it in flavor. Cool sweet mint mixed with a beer packing a slight bitter chocolate punch made for a satisfying concoction.  One of many great ways to celebrate a day dedicated to the heritage of so many Americans. Sláinte!

Tree House Catharsis and Rainbow Chocolate Shot Cookies

Tree House Catharsis and Rainbow Chocolate Shot Cookies

Beer’d Whiskered Wit and Sifts Almond Chocolate Cookies

Beer’d Whiskered Wit and Sifts Almond Chocolate Cookies